Joey, James, Shannon, Jon, Paul, Karl, Alicia, Caroline and sometimes William, Cherish and Sarah: We love you guys!
Thank you so much for a couple of final get-togethers. It was so great to see you all again and realise how much you’ve grown and how much you’re continuing to grow. We are proud of each of you, and know that each of you guys are God’s kids and His servants.
Of the things we’ve worked at while we were in New York, the little team we built together — the things we taught you; the things we learned while we were teaching you; the ways we served together; the events where we all had fun together — our Vertical Production Team is one of the best gifts God gave us.
And a huge thank you to Linda, Barb, Margaret and all the other moms who encouraged us and supported us, and who allowed us to stand with them behind these amazing young people.
We will make it a point to see as many of you as we can every time we come back and visit New York. And you’d better all come meet Abi before we leave!

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